mardi 22 décembre 2015

Joyeux Noël à tous du bout du monde

Même si nous sommes au bout du monde et que tout le monde ne fête pas Noël sur terre, nous voulions vous souhaiter un très Joyeux Noël à l’aide de quelques photos des Tongas - Fidjis - Nouvelle Calédonie - Nouvelle Zélande - Singapour et finalement l’Indonésie où nous passerons le cap du 24 décembre 2015.

Tonga - Nuku Alofa et Tongatapu

Fidji - Squiz fête Noël

Nouvelle Calédonie - Le jardin du Père Noël - Merci Romain.

Nouvelle Zélande - Aéroport de Auckland

Singapour - Un peu de LUXE

Indonésie - Java aéroports de Jakarta et Yogyakarta.

2 commentaires:

  1. Hi, I wish you both a MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR! All your pics make me a bit jealous but hey it's not really winter here...over 10 degrees are far to warm to have mulled wine.
    Tomorrow I am flying out to Helsinki for two weeks....hopefully I get some winter there ;)
    Keep on posting your pics! They are really nice and it's interesting to follow your trip.
    Cheers, Makiko

    1. Hello Makiko, always a great pleasure to read you and have some news from your side. I'm happy to see that you will explore Helsinki, a very nice city, and hope that you will find a little bit of winter, what I'm convinced you will. I'm glad if you appreciate our blog, for sure it's a great experience that we'll share with lot of people. I take also the opportunity to wish you, your family and friends a happy X-ms and a happy new year, that 2016 brings you only the best, and lot of travel, but not for the work.
      Olivier and Anne


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